StandUp Paddle

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Stand Up Paddle

Stand up paddling (REP) or paddle surfing (in English: stand up paddle boarding, stand up paddle surfing, SUP is a sport that is becoming increasingly popular around the world, being of Hawaiian origin. The sport is a ancient form of surfing, and has re-emerged as a way for surf instructors to manage their large groups of students, as standing on the board gives them greater visibility. There are remains of a Peruvian craft called “Caballitos” or “Caballitos of Totora” that may also hold the origin of the sport in Peru.


The sport can be practiced by women, men, children, of any age and without any physical preparation.


SUP is a complete, fun sport that allows contact with nature like few others, attracting fans of all ages, in the most varied regions. Using a board to glide over the water is no longer a privilege for those who live on the beach. ​
